Machingambi, Severino
Full Name
Machingambi, Severino
Main Affiliation

Dr Severino Machingambi is currently employed as Deputy Director in the Academic Support Services Division at the University of Mpumalanga since 2015. Prior to that he was founding Deputy Director and Senior Researcher in the Teaching and Learning Development Centre at the Mangosuthu University of Technology. His brief involves conceptualizing, developing, implementing and evaluating academic staff development programmes that are meant to enhance teaching effectiveness. Dr Machingambi's research is predicated on the scholarship of teaching and learning and to date he has published and presented extensively on this area in both national and international platforms. He is an external examiner with the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, University of Fort Hare, University of Venda, UNISA and the Great Zimbabwe University and he is also involved in NRF evaluations.