School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Organization name
School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

OrgUnit's Researchers

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OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12016The aviation industry in South Africa: a historical overview.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
22018Customer experiences and return patronage in restaurants at OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
32018Drivers of efficiency in hotels in South Africa.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
42017Enhancing hospitality students learning outcomes in universities: from an instructional to a learning paradigm.Machingambi, Severino.; Mhlanga, Oswald. 
52018Factors influencing employee motivation in hotels.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
62018Factors influencing hotel experiences for millennial tourists: a South African study.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
72018The fast food industry in South Africa: the micro-environment and its influence.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
82017Good bye Air Zimbabwe….Hello Zimbabwe Airways : will re-branding solve Air Zimbabwe’s financial woes?Mhlanga, Oswald. 
92019Identification of personality traits affecting entrepreneurial performance in the hospitality subsector: a five-factor personality model.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
102017The impact of Information communication technologies (ICTs) on tourism businesses in East London, South Africa.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
112017Impacts of deregulation on the airline industry in South Africa : a review of the literature.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
122017Impacts of the macro environment on airline operations in southern Africa.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
132018Impacts of the micro environment on airline performances in Southern Africa: management perspectives.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
142017Influence of social media on customer experiences in restaurants: a South African study.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
152018Liberalisation initiatives of the airline industry in southern Africa: progress achieved and hindrances to implementation.Mhlanga, Oswald. 
162018Measuring restaurant service quality in East London, South Africa : a comparison of restaurant customer expectations and perceptions.Mhlanga, Oswald.